Dear parents, are you tired of being a human ATM?

How Often do you Note & Coin?
- Your salary: transferred directly to a personal bank account
- Your bills: automatically deducted or settled online
- Shopping and other purchases: tap and go, simple as that
- Your kid’s pocket money: in cash with notes and coins
Our entire system of monetary transactions has evolved; we hardly ever handle money in cash, except when we organise our children’s pocket money. We are forced to take a step out of our everyday cashless society, and back into the dated culture of notes and coins.
No Money on Pocket Money Day?
How often do you find yourself with no cash in hand to give your kids? You find yourself rummaging through your purses and wallets – on a fierce hunt for that silky note or, in the very least, some coins.
What are the options if you fail to locate enough cash: dash to the closest ATM or entrust your tween with your personal bank card?
Deciding, budgeting, and expressing the precise amount of pocket money for your tween was effortless when compared to the cumbersome realities of actually producing the money. Churning out actual cash, being a human ATM, is simply not practical in an increasingly cashless society.
Straight From Your Fingertips, and Into Your Teen’s Pocket
How convenient would it be if you could digitise pocket money? Seamless transfers from your account to your teen’s with the lift of a finger.
ZAAP makes digital pocket money a reality. A pre-paid Mastercard that lets you transfer funds directly from your Parent Wallet into your child’s ZAAP account. And your child can only spend what is loaded onto their card, and no more than that.
You can pre-set and forgot, transfer money during emergencies, and no longer have to worry about forgetting ATM withdrawals and scrambling around for cash.
Have Parental Control Without Being Controlling
Tweenage and teenage years are riddled with curiosity and peer pressure. They are highly susceptible to influences – everyone’s but yours.
This vulnerable time when paired with teenage angst and rebellion is a trying period for parents. You want to ensure that your child is safe and making the right decisions without being too controlling.
Giving your child financial freedom is vital but also unsettling if you’re unsure of where their pocket money is going. With ZAAP, you can track each transaction on your app, giving you the visibility you need without being intrusive. And unlike a debit card, ZAAP does not allow for cash withdrawals, so every purchase is recorded.
ZAAP – Your Tool for Digital Pocket Money
ZAAP eases the transaction of pocket money for parents and educates youths on financial responsibility. Below are some of the benefits of using ZAAP:
- Stop worrying about being a human ATM
You no longer need to conduct regular withdrawals or worry about not having the right change for pocket money
- Better visibility on your child’s spending
The ability to monitor where your kid is spending their money so that you can intervene when you notice unacceptable transactions
- Instant transfers
Gain peace of mind that your child will never be left stranded without money
- Cashless society intro 101
Give your teens and tweens a valuable lesson and insight into the world ahead of them
- Instil financial responsibility
Let your kid set and track their savings goals, manage their balance, and reflect on their transaction history
- Deliver on your promise
Actually, deliver on your pocket money promise to your kids. Don’t rely on having cash in the home.
It is undeniable that the exchange of cash is reducing in our lives. In fact, studies have predicted that the use of cash is expected to account for less than 2% of transactions in Australia in the next three years (by 2022).
Pocket money is going digital, and it’ll only continue to grow.
Find out more here about why ZAAP is right for you, and your family.